Types of Posts: Strategy for Best Organic Reach

Some types of posts get high levels of positive engagement and interaction on social media. Simply put, if a Facebook Fan or Instagram Follower is willing to Comment, Share, or Repost your post, they’re willing to shout to the world that this post means something to them. Think of it like a fishing net, and each time we cast that net further we’re able to pull in more fish. When our Followers love our content and they’re willing to engage, they’ve just helped us cast that net even further. If you’ve heard the phrase ‘this speaks to me’ or perhaps Dr. Phil saying ‘find their currency’ then you already know what the goal is. You have to find what moves your collective audience and motivates them to engage positively with you, thereby increasing your organic reach.

So how do we create posts to keep our audience engaged?
Rule #1: every post has a purpose.

FAQ: Should all my posts be about our procedures, treatments, and products?
Answer: NO!

If we’re constantly asking for the sell (buy this product, buy this treatment, buy this procedure) our audience will tune out. Your Page or your Profile is your opportunity to personalize your practice to your audience. Display this personality through varied and highly engaging content that keeps your audience coming back for more, allowing you to build brand loyalty and nurture relationships that develop into profits when they’re ready to buy.

Your Post Playbook
Now we know that posts need to be highly engaging and varied. How do we construct these type of posts? Let’s break it down by the purpose of the post, because every post has a purpose.

Roll Call Post
Haven’t posted in a while? Need to wake up your audience because no one is commenting? A roll call post encourages a comment, and comments translate into engagement. Due to Facebook algorithms, posts that are gaining engagement are the posts that get put into Newsfeeds. In a nutshell, posts that get action are posts that get seen.

Post Copy Example:
Do you see us? 👀 Say'Hello' or give us a shout-out! We are about to shake things up here on our Page. We will be offering EXCLUSIVE Facebook ONLY giveaways & promotions. Hearing from you will ensure you're seeing the new face of our Page. Don't miss out!

Technology Specific Post
We want our audience to know what we offer, so of course some of our posts need to highlight our procedures, treatments, and products. This includes your monthly cross-promotion from your Annual Marketing Plan.

Cross-promotion Post Copy Example #1:
Might be a little chilly now but swimsuit season will return. Ditch that razor with Diolaze, the leading technology in laser hair removal. Call us, we'll chat about getting you summer-ready. (phone number). #diolaze #lhr #hairfree #laserhairremoval

Technology Post Copy Example #2:
Smooth curves ahead with BodyFX for body contouring & cellulite treatment. Confidence is sexy, why not turn the volume up on your self-esteem? Consultations are free, we’re ready to book yours today. (phone number). #bodycontouring #cellulitetreatment #dimples #bodyfx

Question Posts
Many of us have deep down opinions about really superficial things and we’re willing to share our thoughts, especially when the timing is perfect. If you ask the right questions, you'll get some answers in the comments, increasing your engagement. Keep it light, fun, and simple. If your questions require answers that are too complicated, users are less likely to take the time to chime in. Some examples of Engaging Question Posts: This or That, Seasonal questions like "Apple Pie or Pumpkin Pie on Thanksgiving, Fill in the Blank, You can only keep three, or anything related to your industry- like what's your favorite moisturizer?

Post Copy Example:
Everyone has their go-to for their favorite airbrushed look. What's your tried and true foundation that has never done you wrong?

Holiday and Seasonal Posts
Take advantage of holidays and the seasons, because they provide a lot of creative material to work with for constructing timely and ‘in the moment’ posts. Your fans think about Christmas in winter, and when January rolls around they’re thinking about spring vacation. Talk about beach bodies, or popsicle flavors, or the fact that no one shaves their legs during the cold months. Ask about favorite Christmas songs and cookies, or the spooky movie you watch annually for Halloween.

Post Copy Example:
Cupid’s going to love your plumped-up pout & your fluttery eye-fringe. Ask us about our Injectable Filler and Latisse Specials this month. Who’s your Valentine? US! #latisse #longlashes #juvederm #restylane #volbella #filler

Post Copy Example:
Are you rockin’ the One or the Two? Hello swimwear season, let’s get ready.

Quote Posts
As we discussed earlier, each Page has a collective personality and as you start to experiment with different types of post content, you’ll see what your audience tends to react to. Some Pages love a solid quote. Sharing quotes can make people feel empowered and motivated. Quotes can be inspirational, humorous, motivational, or a genuine deep-thought (a la Jack Handy on SNL). By asking a question in these quote examples below, we’ve converted these posts to potentially highly engaging posts.

Post Copy Example:
Can we get a show of hands?! So thankful for our fat reduction options. #kybella #bodyfx

Post Copy Example:
What color are you rockin’ for Spring? We see brighter days ahead!

Testimonial Posts
Testimonial posts provide social proof by building trust and creating a positive impression on potential customers. People trust their peers, so this patient-generated content is valuable. Draw from your Google reviews, or reviews you receive on post-op paper work, your website, an email, or even a greeting card. You can take your Facebook Reviews and turn them into a visually-pleasing post with an interesting JPG. If you really want to up the ante, take a photo of the provider with the willing patient or record a quick testimonial video (10 seconds will do). Perhaps a patient brings you thank you flowers or a sweet treat. Take a photo of that and create a highly personalized post or a Boomerang. Just remember to have a signed photo release form from the patient before posting.

Post Copy Example:
A Happy Patient: "Dr. (name) did an amazing job! I got my breast augmentation done today and within 4 hours I was up and shopping around, even going out to dinner! Thank you, it feels so good to FINALLY feel like a woman! Dr. (name), you are truly my HERO!!!"

Funny Posts
Laughter is the universal language, and can truly be the best medicine. If your Page can make someone laugh and brighten their day, they’ll be back for more. We’ve all seen those ‘funnies’ that go viral with multiple shares. Jump on the fun-bus and see how your audience reacts to humorous posts. Depending on how light-hearted your audience is, you can even try to push the envelope here a bit (a JPG of Elf on the Shelf dumping birth controls pills into the toilet with that devilish elf grin). You can even create your own memes, or record funny Boomerangs with your co-workers. Again, here’s your chance to personalize your Page. Set a goal to do ‘Friday funnies.’

Post Example Copy:
Remember, when it comes to injectables, your results will only be as good as the person who is injecting the product. There are many factors that go into ensuring that the injections are performed correctly, things like tools, technique, education, and experience.

Post Example Copy:
Anyone else ready for Friday?

Post Copy Example:
Bad hair, don't care! What do you do to hide a bad hair day? #neograft #hairrestoration

Industry News/Trends Posts
Keep your audience in the know on interesting trends in the aesthetic industry. How will they know they want a new procedure or treatment if they don’t even know it exists? The trend in aesthetics is that ‘having work done’ is officially coming out of the closet, thanks to celebrities like the Kardashians. Scan Google on a regular basis for the latest trends, or the latest celebrity endorsements you can capitalize on for post content. If you’re good about Following other practices, industry leaders, manufacturers and vendors, your own Newsfeed will be a great source of information on the aesthetic industry.

Post Copy Example:
2017 was the unofficial year of 'Plumped Up Lips' according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. No doubt a plumped pout will be greatly desired still in 2018, but we know that Feminine Health is one of the top 4 trends for 2018. Call us, we'll talk about VOTIVA and your 'down there' parts. (phone number) #votiva #feminine health

Staff Highlight Posts
Keeping with the idea that personalized content makes successful posts, highlight your staff on social media. Your audience will love to see their favorite staffer from the front desk that greets them with a big smile, or the nurse-injector that keeps their forehead wrinkle-free, or the beloved physician that made their breasts look 10 years younger. Consider highlighting a staff member for a month, with a weekly post. You can start with a ‘Throwback Thursday’ photo to keep it humorous and interactive, and reveal the name the following week. Highlight birthdays, or big accomplishments.

Post Copy Example:
HUGE birthday shout-out to Marilyn & Delores! Making our holiday-babies feel extra special & adored, as they should be. Birthday hugs all around!

Post Copy Example:
After 2 years of studying and training, Dr. (name) received his commercial pilot's license! He has truly earned his wings. Congrats Dr. (name)!

Post Copy Example:
October STAFF Highlight . . . the big reveal from last week, and some of you guessed it correctly . . . BRENDA! Love the 'then & now' photo with her son---they only look SLIGHTLY alike?!
Client Care Coordinator/Receptionist Brenda loves interacting with new clients and patients. Brenda's all about creating a connection, so it's perfect to see her smiling face when we walk into the door. We're lucky to have you Brenda!

Tips and Tricks Posts
Providing value to your followers through skincare and beauty tips and tricks is an excellent way to keep your followers engaged. It's also a great way to get them to save your content, which really gives your content an algorithmic boost!

Post Copy Example:
Since Valentine's Day is the season of couples, we wanted to spread the love and share some dynamic skincare duos for you! 👆 Click the link in our bio to schedule a virtual skincare consultation and learn what products are best for your unique needs.

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